Alive and kicking

by Elouise

Heat blasts my cold skin
Cicadas blast my eardrums
Hot sun beams relentlessly
Plays hide and seek beneath
Green trees gasping for air

Climbing the baby hill
My heart speaks to me
Sensations from the past
Flood memory banks
All is well that ends well

Park maintenance crew
Arrives pulling a trailer
Full of noise makers
They greet me politely
I nod and return the favor

Just yesterday I froze in church
From the crown of my head
To the soles of my feet
Air conditioning for the young
Of which I am not one

Warmed by my husband’s body
Cheered by a hot sermon
More than satisfied with a crumb
Dipped in grape juice
I return to my seat

Grateful I’m still alive and kicking
This hot summer day in August
Out and about to survey
The landscape and forms of life
In my corner of the world

© Elouise Renich Fraser, 6 August 2018
Photo found at