I Love Lucy!

by Elouise

Very short post today, dear  friends, with one purpose: to introduce you to Lucy, my new pacemaker! I’ve given this very deep thought in the last several days, and concluded that a pacemaker isn’t just another gadget.

It’s more like a small, semi-independent robot with a mind of its own. The kind that does things with fierce energy whenever they need to be done, without apology and without permission! What could be better than Lucy?

Besides, the original Lucy, aka Lucille Ball, was and still is one of the most creative, unselfconscious actresses ever. I could use some of her energy and spunk just about now! Especially when it comes to hearts.

My surgery went swimmingly–partly because I was asleep and dreaming. The hospital overnight was what it was–a wonderful way to rest and be taken care of.

I could also order yummy meals or snacks during the day. I just dialed up, gave them my requests and the time I wanted it delivered to my room. True, it was a poor substitute for a peaceful night of sleep at home. I could swear they were working on a construction project in the space just above my room!

I’m glad to be home, where I’m working on range-of-motion and strength exercises to help the healing process. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, encouragement, and beyond-kind comments!


© Elouise Renich Fraser, 7 April 2016
Image from ilovelucyandricky.wickia.com